We are an architectural studio that believes great design comes from open exploration, not fixed styles. Every project begins with listening—to people, places, and the environment—to create thoughtful, lasting spaces.
BLINKER HOUSECurating an Atmosphere
CAVERN HOUSEBuilding Relationships
MAKING ARCHITECTUREExploring Craftmanship
IN-BETWEEN HOUSEWeaving Nature and Structure
WINDOW HOUSEWays of Seeing
SHELL HOUSEExploring a Corner Situation
APARTMENT AGExploring Calm
RIMBA HOUSEA Sanctuary Dwelling
VERANDAH HOUSERethinking the Verandah
4PM OFFICEAn Exploration into Austere ConstructionCHAR YONG ASSOCIATION BUILDINGExploring Our Roots
SECRET GARDEN HOUSEParadise defined as a Walled Estate
THE SATAY CLUBArticulating Traditions in the Contemporary
DAY & NIGHT ROOMExploring Multi-use in Small Spaces
IN-BETWEEN HOUSEWeaving Nature and StructureNRP AT WOODLANDSRethinking the Garden in Singapore Public HousingGATHERING HOUSEAn Open HouseCAVERN HOUSEBuilding RelationshipsAPARTMENT ESMaterial & Lighting as Mood AlterationAPARTMENT DLExploring Multi-Use